Community Update on Wildlife and Pest Control

Community Update on Wildlife and Pest Control

Start Date
Mon Nov 25, 2024 - 3 PM

Dear Valued Residents of the Stanford West Community,

We have received a number of inquiries in recent weeks regarding wild animal activity at Stanford West Apartments. In the interest of ensuring that our community remains healthy and pest-free, we’d like to share some information about actions we are taking to address this issue and guidance on what you should do to prevent or respond to any pests in or around the apartments.

As you all know, Stanford West is a 33-acre garden-style community which includes a locally protected wildlife preserve, the Green Belt. While the rural nature of this community is part of its charm and beauty, an outdoor community necessarily comes with trees, greenery, natural features, and wildlife. Stanford West unfortunately can’t guarantee that you won’t come across some of this wildlife at the property, but our team does its absolute best to ensure that wildlife does not interfere with your living environment. As part of these ongoing efforts, we are in the process of implementing two community improvements:

  • Trash Disposal: As of November 21st, the placement of lids on all of the trash bins has begun. As of now more than half of the lids have been installed, weather permitting, we expect to complete the remaining installations by November 27th. To assist with this effort, please ensure that all outdoor refuse bins remain closed and refrain from leaving any items outside of the bins when disposing of trash. We will also be reviewing features of the valet living trash pick-up service.
  • Wildlife Exterior Entry Proofing: We are beginning a community-wide building exterior proofing to address any possible entry points that can be accessed by the surrounding wildlife.

During a recent routine walkthrough, which included balconies and patio maintenance inspections, we observed some non-compliant items that may contribute to wildlife intrusions and require attention. To help maintain a pest-free environment, we kindly ask all residents to follow these guidelines:

  • Garage Doors: Keep garage doors closed and locked unless entering or exiting.
  • Front Doors: Keep front doors closed for both your safety and to help prevent pests from entering.
  • Food Sources: Please remove any bird or animal feeders from your balconies and patios. Avoid leaving out food that could be consumed by wildlife, including bird feeders, small nuts, pet food, or any other edible items.

There are additional steps you can take to ensure that our community remains pristine and pest-free. One of the most important, which is also required in your rental agreements, is to prevent your pets from roaming freely outdoors (i.e., unsupervised “outdoor” cats or dogs), which can lead to them bringing pests indoors.

If you happen to notice any garbage issues, such as overflowing, uncovered, or knocked over bins, please reach out to management as soon as possible so that we can assist.

Finally, if you ever experience any issues related to wildlife or pests within or outside of your apartments, we encourage you to submit a service request so that we can help with keeping your living spaces in their best condition. Once a service request has been submitted, we will schedule an inspection with our maintenance manager. While we already have measures in place to keep each apartment habitable, we cannot assist with something we don’t know about, so we rely on you to keep us in the loop on any issues that may arise with your homes.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.

Thank you for helping us keep our community safe, healthy, and beautiful. 


The Management Team at Stanford West